Figure 4. Scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), and elemental mapping images of (A-C) NiBDC-NF, (D-F) NiCoBDC-NF, (G-I) NiFeBDC-NF and (J-L) NiMnBDC-NF. (M and N) FDCA yield rate and FE of NiBDC, NiCoBDC, NiFeBDC, and NiMnBDC for 4 h electrolysis. (O) Tafel plots in the presence of HMF. (P) FE, selectivity, and yield rate of FDCA using NiCoBDC-NF during four successive electrolysis. Reproduced with permission[78]. Copyright 2020, Royal Society of Chemistry.