
Figure 5. (A) The S-scheme transfer mechanism of photogenerated electrons in darkness and under the illumination. (B) The antibacterial effects without illumination, under illumination, and corresponding fluorescent dye mapping images over the blank experiment, pCN, CeO2, and pCN/CeO2 composites, respectively. The green and red areas represent the living and dead bacteria, respectively. (Reproduced with permission[96]. Copyright 2020, Wiley-VCH). (C) Mechanism of photocatalytic disinfection over 10-CNS/Bov. (D) The infrared photothermal images of 10-C/Bov and 10-C-COOH/Bov. (E) The individual and overall morphology change of the E. coli K-12 before and after disinfection for 1, 2, and 3 h over10-CNS/Bov under NIR light irradiation. (Reproduced with permission[97]. Copyright 2022, Elsevier).