
Figure 7. (A) The atomic resolution HAADF-STEM image of HCM@Ni-N; (B) Ni K-edge EXAFS spectra and Fourier transform of the experimental EXAFS spectrum in K space of HCM@Ni-N; (C) Schematic band diagrams of HCM@Ni and HCM@Ni-N[69]. Copyright 2023, Wiley; (D) Differential charge densities of CuN2O2 and CuN4; (E) The limiting potentials of the products of ECR and HER on the CuN2O2, CuN4, and Cu(111)[71]. Copyright 2023, Springer Nature; (F) Schematic diagram of the preparation process of Ni-B/N-C; (G) The FT EXAFS spectra of Ni foil, NiO, NiPc, Ni-B/N-C, and Ni-N-C; (H) Coordination environment of Ni-B1N3 moiety; (I) Gibbs free energy diagram for ORR process of the Ni-N4 and Ni-B1N3 moiety[72]. Copyright 2023, Wiley; (J) The scaling relationships for the adsorption energy of NH*-N2H* and Linear correlations between the adsorption energy of N2H* (EN2H*) and limiting potential of the NRR[73]. Copyright 2023, RSC Publishing. HAADF-STEM: High-angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy; EXAFS: extended X-ray absorption fine structure; ECR: CO2 reduction reaction; HER: hydrogen evolution reaction; ORR: oxygen reduction reaction; NRR: nitrogen reduction reaction.