Figure 2. (A) The schematic of experimental setups during C-AFM and PFM mapping of an array of BFO nanoislands, wherein the 3D morphology of the arrayed nanoislands was superimposed with a C-AFM map of wall conduction. (B) The Schematic of domain structures in vortex and center states in different conduction patterns (C-AFM maps). Reprinted with permission[42]. Copyright 2021, Springer Nature. (C) The schematic of their working principle on the basis of creation and erasure of conducting domain wall states. Additionally, (D) demonstrates 1,000 sweeps of quasi-static I-V curves between -7 and 7 V. Inset shows an I-V curve in a semi-logarithmic plot. Reprinted with permission[43]. Copyright 2022, Wiley.