Figure 5. (A) SEM image of the microfabricated push-to-pull (PTP) chip and the corresponding force single measured by such chip. Reproduced with permission[49]. Copyright 2011, ACS publications. (B) In-situ TEM holder (top) with a MEMS chip (bottom) for tensile testing. The MEMS chip consists of a load sensor, specimen and actuator, which was placed in a TEM holder in the experiment. Reproduced with permission[71]. Copyright 2005, PANS publications. (C) Schematic of the silicon-based NEMS device and a series of TEM images of a single asperity sliding experiment. Reproduced with permission[72,73]. Copyright 2022, Springer Nature. (D) A custom-designed double-tilt TEM holder with a high-temperature mechanical testing system, including the temperature control and the in-situ deformation components. Reproduced with permission[74]. Copyright 2021, Springer Nature.