
<i>In-situ</i> transmission electron microscopy shedding light on the mechanical properties of nanoscale materials

Figure 14. (A) In-situ TEM observation of stick-slip behavior between single tungsten asperity nanocontacts at the atomic scale. Reproduced with permission[53]. Copyright 2022, Springer Nature. (B) A series of HRTEM images of a loosely packed interfacial layer (IL) induced low friction process between upper tungsten and lower gold asperities under tensile stress and statistics of the friction behaviors with and without an IL. Reproduced with permission[46]. Copyright 2021, Springer Nature. (C) Sequential TEM images showing the high reversibility of cleaved monolayer MoS2, which could be readily restacked onto the surface of the ‘mother’ crystal. Reproduced with permission[116]. Copyright 2014, Springer Nature.

ISSN 2770-2995 (Online)


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