
Selective heterogeneous photocatalytic activation for toluene oxidation: recent advances, challenges and perspective

Figure 13. DFT calculations showing the energy changes associated with toluene adsorption and C(sp3)–H bond dissociation for the GS and ES of (A) CABB, (B) 1.56% Zn-CABB and (C) 3.13% Fe-CABB; The electron density colored along the (010) plane based on the density difference between the GS and ES, as depicted in (D) CABB, (E) 1.56% Zn-CABB and (F) Fe-CABB. Red circles indicate Br atoms adjacent to the substituent. Reproduced with permission, Copyright 2023, Wiley-VCH[220]; (G) DFT calculations showing the influence of surface-localized holes on toluene adsorption (Eads) and C(sp3)–H bond dissociation. Reproduced with permission, Copyright 2022, American Chemical Society[178]; (H) Geometries and energies of transition state models (TS1, TS2, TS3, and TS4); (I) Calculated energy profiles of toluene adsorbed on different structure models. Reproduced with permission, Copyright 2024, Springer Nature[36]. DFT: Density functional theory; GS: ground state; ES: excited state; CABB: Cs2AgBiBr6; TS: transition state.

Chemical Synthesis
ISSN 2769-5247 (Online)


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