
Chemical bonding strategy on boosting superior Li<sup>+</sup> diffusion kinetics towards long-stable lithium metal anode

Figure 9. The Li+ desolvation is depicted schematically by channeled/porous layers on anode for fast Li+ transport and uniform deposition mechanism. (A) Li+ desolvation in liquid electrolyte and MOF-based SSI developed on LMA with immobilized anions interacting with Lewis acidic sites of pores and ionic channels for rapid Li+ transport. Li+ flow (arrows) and concentration (grayscale) along the LMA surface, as well as Li deposition morphology with and without MOF-based SSI, are shown. Reproduced with permission[54]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier; (B) The behavior of Li plating/stripping on naked Cu foil and MOF-interlayer@Cu foil. MOF is responsible for desolvation, the rapid Li+ transfer and uniform flow, resulting in a smooth Li deposition. Reproduced with permission[56]. Copyright 2022, WILEY-VCH; (C) A pure lithium-metal anode has poor desolvation and a lithium anode with an AMMT layer has a low desolvation barrier resulting in simplified desolvation. Reproduced with permission[48]. Copyright 2023, WILEY-VCH. MOF: Metal-organic framework; SSI: semi-solid interphase; LMA: lithium metal anode; AMMT: Ag-montmorillonite.

Chemical Synthesis
ISSN 2769-5247 (Online)


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