
Figure 1. (A) 1H NMR spectra under magic-angle spinning of (i) thermally activated ZSM-5, (ii) protonated and (iii) deuterated ASA: as-prepared catalyst (red line) and after H/D exchange with benzene (dashed blue line). The shaded spectra correspond to the NMR spectra of protons close to Al atoms, i.e., BAS. It was obtained as the difference between 1H NMR spectra recorded with and without the recoupling of 1H-27Al dipolar interactions; (B) Solid-state NMR measurement of 1H-27Al distances for (i and ii) BAS and (iii and iv) other silanol groups in (i and iii) thermally activated ZSM-5 and (ii and iv) partially deuterated ASA. Reprinted with permission from Ref.[17]. Copyright 2023, Royal Chemical Society. NMR: Nuclear magnetic resonance; ASA: amorphous silica-alumina; BAS: Brønsted acid sites.