
Figure 2. (A) Soil CO2-C emissions (µmol m-2 h-1); (B) soil temperature (°C); (C) soil water content (%) plus standard errors (vertical bars) and (D) Accumulated soil CO2-C emission (plus standard error, kg CO2-C ha -1) for T1: Control area, with straw maintained on the soil surface; T2: Line plots where straw was recovered and accumulated in one line and later collected for baling (17% of harvest area); T3: Areas where the normal mechanized straw harvesting operations were performed (83% of the harvested area); WAFCO2: Weighted average of soil CO2 (weighted average of emission in T2 and T3). Means followed by the same letters comparing straw management types did not differ by Tukey’s test (P < 0.05).