Cooperating partners
Recently awarded with the distinctive Centre of Excellence “Severo Ochoa” (2020-2023), this distinction shows the high-quality scientific leadership and global impact of the work developed at IDAEA.
In a globalised world, where human society is expanding at an unprecedented, accelerating rate, it is the scientific research like the one developed at IDAEA that can help to analyse the environmental problems, providing hard data for policy making, and offering sustainable and innovative solutions to solve them.
The Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research(IDAEA) achieves the official partnership with Water Emerging Contaminants & Nanoplastics. Their members receive article process charges waived at the journal early development stage and will enjoy discounts on the article process charges permanently.
Previous conferences
2nd UN Ocean Decade Regional Conference & 11th WESTPAC International Marine Science Conference
To ensure ocean science can fully support countries in achieving sustainable development of the ocean, seas, and marine resources, the United Nations proclaimed a Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030) (the ‘Ocean Decade’) in 2017, which offers all ocean stakeholders a unique and once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to shape a better ocean science agenda and connect ocean science more closely to our society. Responding to the global call for actions, the UN Ocean Decade Regional Kick-off Conference for the Western Pacific and its adjacent areas was held on 25-26 November 2021, marking the beginning of the region-wide efforts in the development and implementation of substantive Decade Actions.
This event will provide an enjoyable and successful environment for professionals working in Toxicology and all biomedical- and environmental-related areas to debate technical-scientific updates and share experiences and reflections. This year’s Congress is under the theme “THE BIG CHALLENGES FOR THE 21st CENTURY”. We are thankful to the prestigious personalities who accepted our invitations to share their knowledge and research in the four sessions set under the One Health umbrella:
Session I - Mental Health & Well-Being
Session II - Infectious Diseases & Antimicrobial Resistance
Session III - Environmental & Health Sustainability
Session IV - The Future is Now
2022 10th International Conference on Environment Pollution and Prevention (ICEPP 2022)
6th International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management
The 6th International Waste Water Conference Call will include the participation of renowned keynote speakers, oral presentations, posters sessions and technical conferences related to the topics dealt with in the Scientific Program, as well as an attractive social and cultural program.
This International Waste Water Conference Call will also be aimed at companies and/or institutions to present their products, services, innovations and research results. If you or your company is interested in participating in this exhibition, please contact the Technical Secretariat here.
Finally, on behalf of the Organizing Committee, I would like to invite all the Scientific Community to participate in this project, presenting papers or communications related to any of the proposed topics.
Looking forward to welcoming you in Rome!
18th Annual Workshop On LC-MS/MS in Environmental Analysis and Food Safety
The main objective of the workshop is to evaluate practical aspects of the usefulness of high-resolution mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometric techniques for screening and quantitation of organic contaminants in environmental and food samples. The following practical aspects and state of the art applications will be discussed:
– Advances in HRMS instrumentation and their applicability in environmental analysis and food authenticity;
– Non-Target Analysis (NTA) and Bioinformatics applied to environmental and food samples;
– Advanced Wastewater Based Epidemiology (WBE) for public health;
– Green Analytical Chemistry using HRMS and/or LC/MS-MS applied to environmental and food analysis;
– Large number of applications in environmental analysis and food authenticity such as water and soil/ sediment, biota and food, like fruits and vegetables, juices, and meat.