Editorial Board Member

IMDEA Water Institute, Alcala de Henares, Spain.
Dr. Lucila Candela is a researcher at IMDEA-Water and a former professor at the Dep. of Environmental and Civil Engineering, (UPC (Barcelona, Spain). Her field of expertise is groundwater hydrology Her research concerns the nature and fate of contaminants in the subsurface, laboratory process studies on contaminant transport, geostatistical applications to groundwater hydrology, and agricultural threats to groundwater. She is involved in research activities related to water resources, groundwater pollution, and groundwater management. During her career, she has published around 150 papers and books and has received national and international research funding from a wide variety of industrial, regulatory, and governmental bodies (National, EU, UNESCO, IAEA, WB) and has participated as an expert in numerous international expert panels in different countries. She has been the manager of the RTD National Programme of Water Resources in Spain and the ERANETs Crue and IWRM.net (EU FP7-MICINN).
Research Interests:
Groundwater, Pollution, Water resources