Special Issue

Topic: Women Leading Metabolic Sciences

A Special Issue of Metabolism and Target Organ Damage

ISSN 2769-6375 (Online)

Submission deadline: 15 Sep 2025

Guest Editors

Prof. Sonia M. Najjar
Diabetes Institute, Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine, Ohio University, Athens, OH, USA.
Prof. Ilaria Barchetta
Department of Experimental Medicine, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy.

Special Issue Introduction

The right to science was enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, and the proportion of female researchers is increasing globally. However, women have yet to achieve equal access to science, even in countries with a history of gender equality. An analysis of approximately 2,900 published scientific papers in which two or more authors shared the first author position revealed that female authors are often not properly credited for their contributions. A survey of fourteen high-impact general medical journals also found that articles authored by women were cited less frequently than those written by men. Of particular concern is the underrepresentation of women in metabolism research, especially in more senior and influential roles. 

Despite these disparities, gender equity remains a priority for society, the medical field, and health professions. To foster change in the research landscape, both women and men must take on leadership roles and be responsible for creating gender-equitable practices.  


In its inaugural editorial in 2021, M&TOD stated: “We strongly support equal gender representation in publishing.” Upholding this policy, Professors Sonia M. Najjar and Ilaria Barchetta have taken on the roles of Guest Editors for this Special Issue, which is dedicated to women leading the field of metabolic sciences. Professor Najjar is recognized for her work identifying the key role of hepatic insulin clearance in insulin action and fat metabolism. She pioneered the discovery that insulin acutely reduces fatty acid synthesis, contrary to its known chronic lipogenic action. Professor Barchetta is an expert in the cross-talks between adipose tissue inflammation, insulin resistance/type 2 diabetes, and ectopic fat, especially liver steatosis. She also has studied the effect of Vitamin D on metabolic disorders.

The Special Issue will consider manuscripts related to the molecular basis, pathophysiology, and management of metabolic diseases and their complications. While we have outlined some of the principal topics of interest below, we also encourage the submission of other relevant aspects of metabolic disorders:
- Pathophysiology/clinical aspects of Obesity and type 2 Diabetes;
- Pathophysiology/clinical aspects of MASLD/MASH;
- Pathophysiology/clinical aspects of the Hepato-renal Syndrome;
- MASLD/MASH and cardiovascular diseases;
- Molecular link between Alzheimer’s disease and metabolic dysfunction;
- Molecular link between Cancer and metabolic dysfunction;
- Metabolic dysfunction and reproduction;
- Bone involvement in metabolic diseases;
- Therapeutical approaches to metabolic dysfunction and related diseases;
- Nutritional approaches to metabolic dysfunction and related diseases.


We look forward to publishing inspiring articles in which women scientists occupy the lead role.

Submission Deadline

15 Sep 2025

Submission Information

For Author Instructions, please refer to https://www.oaepublish.com/mtod/author_instructions
For Online Submission, please login at https://www.oaecenter.com/login?JournalId=mtod&IssueId=mtod25030410036
Submission Deadline: 15 Sep 2025
Contacts: Tilda Li, Scientific Editor, [email protected]

Published Articles

Coming soon
Metabolism and Target Organ Damage
ISSN 2769-6375 (Online)
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