Special Issue

Topic: Advances in Unmanned Aerial Systems: Technologies, Applications, and Challenges

A Special Issue of Complex Engineering Systems

ISSN 2770-6249 (Online)

Submission deadline: 31 Dec 2024

Guest Editors

Prof. Qiuming Zhu
College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China.
Prof. Mou Chen

College of Automation Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China.

Prof. Farman Ali
Qurtuba University of Science and Information Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan.
Dr. Kai Mao
College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China.

Special Issue Introduction

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have recently become key elements in various applications, ranging from military to other sectors, including environmental monitoring, disaster response, agriculture, surveillance, and more. UAV communications are crucial for enabling various applications that need high efficiency and effectiveness, such as remote sensing, mapping, and search and rescue operations. Cutting-edge and control technologies that provide UAV-assisted communication and enable autonomous navigation and precise maneuvering are increasingly being utilized by UAV communication systems. However, due to the 3D trajectory and high mobility inherent in UAVs, this technology faces various new challenges, particularly in high-speed communication, channel modeling, UAV control, and further strengthening of the UAV applications. Emerging approaches, such as HetNet, mmWave communications, channel modeling, and UAV control technologies, are shaping new paradigms for UAVs, offering transformative potential across various industries.

By comprehensively exploring these different aspects, this Special Issue of the journal presents a comprehensive overview of UAV technologies that enhance UAV channels, communication, challenges, and control. We invite you to join us in delving into this exciting world of UAVs!

Topics of interest:

● Applications, challenges, and future trends of UAV communications;

● UAV autonomous positioning and navigation, UAV autonomous decision-making and control;

● UAV channels, including channel sounding, modeling, and emulation;

● UAV communication systems for mmWave and THz bands;

● Emerging technologies for UAV communications, such as RIS, beamforming, metaverse, HetNet, etc.

Submission Deadline

31 Dec 2024

Submission Information

For Author Instructions, please refer to https://www.oaepublish.com/comengsys/author_instructions

For Online Submission, please login at https://www.oaecenter.com/login?JournalId=comengsys&IssueId=comengsys2412311641

Submission Deadline: 31 Dec 2024

Contacts: Amber Ren, Assistant Editor, editorial@comengsys.com

Complex Engineering Systems
ISSN 2770-6249 (Online)


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