One Health & Implementation Research is recruiting Editorial Board Members

With the continuous growth of One Health and Implementation Research and the demand for high quality articles, the Editorial Board members are now being renewed and the following positions are out for recruitment to a wide range of scholars around the world through self-recommendation and selection by the Editorial Board.

About One Health and Implementation Research

One Health & Implementation Research (OHIR) is an international, peer-reviewed, gold open access journal. It aims to promote multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary research that provides evidence to improve health for all. A special focus of our journal is on the implementation of study findings to achieve sustainable disease prevention and control within the One Health approach, in collaboration with communities, policy makers and other stakeholders. 

The main positions we offer are as follows:

1. Associate Chief Editor
 2. Editorial Board Members
 3. Youth Editorial Board Members

The responsibilities of each position:

Associate Chief Editor

1: To pre-review and make decisions on new manuscripts related to the research area, and discuss some controversial manuscripts with editorial board members when necessary
 2: To assist in planning the annual development plan of the journal
 3: To submit or invite 2 papers to the journal
 4: To plan and select hot topics for the journal

Editorial Board Members

1: To pre-screen and make decisions on new submissions related to the research area
 2: To set up at least one Special Issue during your term on a topic related to your research interests
 3: To provide hot topics and offer suggestions for the journal's annual development plan
 4: To promote journals via various platforms

Youth Editorial Board member

1: To participate in the review of manuscripts strictly according to the high standards appropriate to your field of study
 2: To submit or invite 2 papers to the journal
 3: To promote journals and join journal activities

As the member of our journal, what can we offer: 

1: During the two-year term, if your article is accepted, it will be published in our journal free of charge.
 2: A free academic platform will be provided for you as the chair to organize or initiate a webinar.(Webinars' page:
 3: Financial support will be provided for you to attend the online/offline international conference and promote the journal.
4: A free platform will be provided for you to promote your published papers, interviews, research, news, etc. in our journal.
5: Register and join journal webinars for free:

How to apply?

If you are interested in joining the OHIR Editorial Board, please send the application and CV to [email protected] by April 30, 2023. The Editorial Office of the journal will contact you once the application has been approved.

One Health & Implementation Research
ISSN 2769-6413 (Online)


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