
2024 Annual Awards of the Journal of Materials Informatics

Published on: 20 Feb 2025 Viewed: 76

We are pleased to announce the 2024 Annual Awards of Journal of Materials Informatics, recognizing the outstanding contributions of Editorial Board members, Junior Editorial Board members, reviewers, and author teams to the journal’s development over the past year. The awards include the Outstanding Contribution Award (Tables 1-3), Outstanding Reviewer Award (Table 4), and Best Paper Award (Table 5). Congratulations to the following awardees!

Table 1. Outstanding Contribution Award for Editorial Board Members

Xingjun LiuHarbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen)
Hao LiTohoku University
Xiangdong DingXi'an Jiaotong University
Ming HuUniversity of South Carolina

Table 2. Outstanding Contribution Award for Junior Editorial Board Members

William Yi WangNorthwestern Polytechnical University
Xiaoyu ChongKunming University of Science and Technology
Baisheng SaFuzhou University
Wei LiuZhejiang A&F University
Jianqiao LiuDalian Maritime University

Table 3. Outstanding Contribution Award for Academic Assistant Editor

Xue JiaTohoku University

Table 4. Outstanding Reviewer Award

Guihua LiuHebei University of Technology
Zijian HongZhejiang University
Chongze HuUniversity of Alabama
M. Z. NaserClemson University
Sheng HuangChina University of Mining and Technology
Haiyou HuangUniversity of Science and Technology Beijing
Wesley F. ReinhartPenn State University
Muralimohan CheepuPukyong National University
Shuaihang PanUniversity of Utah
Liquan WangEast China University of Science and Technology

Table 5. Best Paper Award

1. Domain knowledge-guided interpretive machine learning: formula discovery for the oxidation behavior of ferritic-martensitic steels in supercritical water
J. Mater. Inf. 2022, 2, 4.
Bin Cao, Shuang Yang, Ankang Sun, Ziqiang Dong*, Tong-Yi Zhang*
2. Regulating the electrocatalytic performance for nitrogen reduction reaction by tuning the N contents in Fe3@NxC20-x (x = 0∼4): a DFT exploration
J. Mater. Inf. 2023, 3, 24.
Bing Han, Fengyu Li*
3. A review on high-throughput development of high-entropy alloys by combinatorial methods
J. Mater. Inf. 2023, 3, 4.
Shahryar Mooraj, Wen Chen*
4. Recent advances and applications of machine learning in electrocatalysis
J. Mater. Inf. 2023, 3, 18.
You Hu, Junhua Chen, Zheng Wei, Qiu He*, Yan Zhao*
5. Accelerated development of hard high-entropy alloys with data-driven high-throughput experiments
J. Mater. Inf. 2022, 2, 3.
Yi Liu*, Jiong Wang, Bin Xiao, Jintao Shu
6. Virtual sample generation in machine learning assisted materials design and discovery
J. Mater. Inf. 2023, 3, 16.
Pengcheng Xu, Xiaobo Ji, Minjie Li*, Wencong Lu*
7. Process parameter optimization of metal additive manufacturing: a review and outlook
J. Mater. Inf. 2022, 2, 16.
Hou Yi Chia, Jianzhao Wu, Xinzhi Wang, Wentao Yan*
8. Recent progress in the data-driven discovery of novel photovoltaic materials
J. Mater. Inf. 2022, 2, 7.
Tian Lu, Minjie Li*, Wencong Lu*, Tong-Yi Zhang*
9. Structure-property modeling scheme based on optimized microstructural information by two-point statistics and principal component analysis
J. Mater. Inf. 2022, 2, 5.
Xiaobing Hu, Jiajun Zhao, Yiming Chen, Yujian Wang, Junjie Li, Qingfeng Wu, Zhijun Wang, Jincheng Wang
10. Mapping pareto fronts for efficient multi-objective materials discovery
J. Mater. Inf. 2023, 3, 11.
Andre K.Y. Low, Eleonore Vissol-Gaudin, Yee-Fun Lim, Kedar Hippalgaonkar*
11. Investigation of dual atom doped single-layer MoS2 for electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide by first-principle calculations and machine-learning
J. Mater. Inf. 2023, 3, 25.
Huidong Li, Chaofang Deng, Fuhua Li, Mengbo Ma, Qing Tang*

Congratulations to all awardees for their exceptional work. Their research and innovations have been pivotal to the journal’s growth and success. We sincerely appreciate their ongoing support and look forward to continued collaboration in the future.

Editor: Mengyu Yang
Language Editor: Emma Chen
Production Editor: Ting Xu
Respectfully Submitted by the Editorial Office of Journal of Materials Informatics

Journal of Materials Informatics
ISSN 2770-372X (Online)
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