JSEGC Best Paper Award 2022
We are pleased to announce the "J. Smart Environ. Green Comput. 2022 Best Paper Award". The award is to recognize and promote high quality contributions to academic research. Papers (research and review articles) submitted to J. Smart Environ. Green Comput. from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 will be considered. One article will be selected for this award after a thorough evaluation by the journal's Scientific Committee, led by Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Witold Pedrycz, and the winner will be announced in September 2023.
Detailed Criteria
1. Submissions to JSEGC from 1 Jan. 2022 to 31 Dec. 2022, that are peer-reviewed;
2. Papers should be published in JSEGC before 31 Mar. 2023, considering manuscript processing time;
3. The Best Paper Award will announce at the end of September 2023;
4. Manuscript type: Research Paper and Review type;
5. We hope to see innovation, significance to the research community, scientific impact and technical excellence in the winning paper, which authors are encouraged to consider while preparing submissions. In other words, it is the "WOW" factor that we hope to see in the winning paper.
Winner(s) will be entitled to:
(1) $1000
(2) An official award certificate with the name of the award, the title of the paper, and the name(s) of the author(s)
(3) The research achievements will be broadly promoted through all platforms of OAE Publishing Inc..
Journal Website
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Editorial Office
Ms. Wendy Gong [email protected]