Editorial Board Member

Mihalis Lazaridis
School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Crete, Greece.
Prof. Mihalis Lazaridis received his PhD at the University of Helsinki with Prof. Markku Kulmala and he performed his post-doctoral work at the Joint Research Centre at Ispra (Italy) with Dr. Yannis Drossinos and at Rutgers University (USA) with Prof. Panos Georgopoulos. He also worked at the Harvard School of Public Health together with Prof. Petros Koutrakis. During 1998 – 2000 he was a senior researcher at the Norwegian Institute of Air Pollution (NILU) in Norway. He is currently a Professor at the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Greece working in the area of air pollution, indoor air quality and human exposure and health.
He has an extensive research management experience several EU and National research projects including research contracts from the Industry. Prof. Lazaridis has an extensive work experience in modelling of physico-chemical processes in the atmosphere, modelling of human exposure and dose from air pollutants, indoor air quality and measurements of air pollutants. He has a strong publication record including 6 books, 128 research articles in refereed journals and more than 280 presentations in international conferences.
Research Interests:
Human exposure, Particulate matter, Air pollution, Dosimetry modelling