Associate Editor

Maryam Zare Jeddi
Editor in Human Exposure Biomonitoring
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, The Netherlands.
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, The Netherlands.
Dr. Maryam Zare Jeddi received her PhD at the Wageningen University & Research in Wageningen, Netherlands on risk assessment of chemicals. She is a senior scientist at the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) in the Netherlands working on European chemical regulations (restrictions of Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances). She is the group leader of an international expert working group on Exposure data production: Human data at the European chapter of the International Society for Exposure Science (ISES Europe) since 2018.
Dr. Maryam Zare Jeddi is an expert on environmental and human exposure and risk assessment, data management and science-policy interface. She made outstanding contribution to the promotion and growth of the field of exposure science particularly human biomonitoring as an exposure assessment tool. Her policy and research interests are the links between science and policy, in particular how science, technologies and policies can jointly support a transition to a sustainable society and economy.
Her research activities cover: (1) chemical mixtures: understanding of the real-life exposure and risk assessment of chemical mixtures; (2) emerging risk: use of exposure and effect biomarkers in combination with Adverse outcome pathways (AOPs); (3) human biomonitoring data value chain harmonization following FAIR Principles; (4) strategy for the use of human biomonitoring as an exposure assessment tool in regulatory processes; (5) ontology building; (6) improvement of communication across scientist, policy makers and other stakeholders to collaboratively promote and better recognize exposure science.
Research Interests:
Human biomonitoring, FAIR principles , Risk assessment and management, Chemical policy, Exposure science, Risk analysis, Data governance, Health impact assessment