Associate Editor

Editor in Human external exposure monitoring via different pathways
Toxicological Centre, University of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Belgium.
Toxicological Centre, University of Antwerp, Wilrijk, Belgium.
Dr. Giulia Poma completed her PhD in Environmental Sciences at the Water Research Institute of the Italian National Research Council (IRSA-CNR) and the University of Milano-Bicocca in March 2014. Her research interest was regarding the evaluation of bioaccumulation processes of brominated flame retardants in biotic matrices during that time.
Since 2015, she is a post-doctoral researcher at the Toxicological Centre of the University of Antwerp (Belgium) specialized in the assessment of human exposure (dietary intake and dust ingestion/inhalation) to legacy chemicals and contaminants of emerging concern. She is currently renown as one of the few specialists in the assessment of chemical safety of edible insects and insect-based food intended for human consumption.
Since 2020, she is also the Research Manager of the Exposome Centre of Excellence at the University of Antwerp, which has the main goal of combining the extensive expertise in the chemical characterization of human and ecological exposome with relevant clinical-epidemiological studies and with mechanistic insights regarding the adverse outcome pathways and toxicology.
Research Interests:
Exposome, Environmental monitoring, Emerging contaminants, Food safety, Novel food, Indoor environment, Human exposure assessment
Special Issue: