Partner's Meeting

Editorial Policies

In March 2019, OAE officially became a member of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). This document describes the standard editorial norms that OAE’s journals should jointly comply with; illustrates the scope of responsibility and right of different roles in the process of academic publishing, including authors, reviewers, Editors-in-Chief, Advisory Editors, Associate Editors, Editorial Board members and in-house Editors, etc.; and clarifies the handling of publication misconduct, etc. Our editorial policies are based on the guidelines of COPEWorld Association of medical editors (WAME), and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), including the following twenty items. Details of editorial policies vary slightly among our journals in different fields. With regard to the actual situations of each journal, please refer to the corresponding journal website for details.

Research Integrity

Editorial Process

  • Editorial independence
  • Process

Access to Full-Text and Article Processing Charges (APCs)

Publication Ethics and Publication Misconduct Statement

  • Authors' responsibilities and rights
  • Reviewers' responsibilities and rights
  • Editor-in-Chief's responsibilities and rights
  • Advisory Editor's responsibilities and rights
  • Associate Editor's responsibilities and rights
  • Editorial Board member's responsibilities and rights
  • Guest Editor's responsibilities and rights
  • In-house Editors' responsibility and right
  • Consent to publication
  • Publication misconduct and handling policies

Authorship and Contribution

  • Corresponding author(s)
  • Co-first authorship
  • Group authorship
  • Statement of authors' contributions

Policy of the Use of AI and AI-assisted Technologies in Scientific Writing

Conflicts of Interest

  • Conflicts of Interest Policy
  • Definition of conflicts of interest
  • Conflicts of interest policy for authors
  • Conflicts of interest policy for reviewers
  • Conflicts of interest policy for Editors

Duplicate Publication


Embargo Policy

Preprints & Conference Proceedings

  • Preprint policies
  • Conference proceeding policies


Copyright and License to Publish

Availability of Data and Materials

Publication Permanency

Describing New Taxa

Corrections and Retractions

Crossmark Policy

Appeals and Complaints

How to raise a concern