Youth Editorial Board Member

Jing Zhang
School of New Energy, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Jiangyin, Jiangsu, China.
Prof. Jing Zhang is a director of School of New Energy of Nanjing University of Science and Technology.

Jing Zhang obtained her PhD degree in physical chemistry from Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2007. Then she joined Liaoning Petrochemical University, where her research interest includes control and tunes the surface crystalline phase of metal oxides, fabrication of heterojunction materials in photocatalysis. She extended postdoctoral research on biomass conversion at Northwestern University (2010-2012). In 2021, she joined Nanjing University of Science and Technology (Jiangyin Campus).

She has received first class Natural Science Award, Liaoning Province in 2010 (ranking the 3rd), second class National Natural Science Awards by the State Council, China in 2011 (ranking the 3rd), a Young Scientists of the 15th International Congress on Catalysis in 2012, the Catalysis Rising Star Award in 2012 presented by the Catalysis Society of China, Distinguished Professor of Liaoning Province in 2015, “Hundred-Talent Program” of Liaoning Province in 2016, Scientific and Technological Progress Award , Liaoning Province in 2014 (third class, ranking the 1st) and 2017 (second class, ranking the 1st), State Council Expert for Special Allowance, China in 2018, National special support plan for high-level talents, 2020, and second class Patent Award, Liaoning Province in 2021 (ranking the 1st).

She has published more than 60 SCI papers in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., ACS Catal., Appl. Catal. B, J. Mater. Chem. A, J. Phys. Chem. C., etc. with more than 4000 citations and one book chapter. The corresponding results were highlighted by Chemical & Engineering News (C&E NEWS), RSC Royal Society of Chemistry, etc. She has delivered over 30 presentations in scientific meetings and congresses, and also is a coordinator and a principal leader of more than 20 research and collaborative projects. Prof. Zhang’s current research fields include the phase junction materials for photocatalysis/photoelectrocatalysis, environmental catalysis, biomass conversion, and in-situ characterization of catalyst.
Research Interests
phase junction materials, photocatalysis/photoelectrocatalysis, in situ raman characterization, waste water treatment.
Chemical Synthesis
ISSN 2769-5247 (Online)


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