Section Editor

Editor in Polymeric Chemistry
Institut des Sciences Analytiques et de Physicochimie pour l'Environnement et les Matériaux (IPREM), Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA), Pau, France.
Institut des Sciences Analytiques et de Physicochimie pour l'Environnement et les Matériaux (IPREM), Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour (UPPA), Pau, France.
Prof. Laurent Billon gained his PhD in 1996 from the Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, France (UPPA) and his habilitation in 2005. He is a Professor of exceptional class and deputy director of the Institut des Sciences Analytiques et de Physicochimie pour l'Environnement et les Matériaux. He is leader of the Bio-inspired Materials Group at the UPPA.
Prof. Billon is the coordinator and principal investigator of a large series of national and international research projects such as the coordinator of the H2020 ITN EJD eSCALED Project (European SChool on Artificial Leaf: Electrodes & Devices) with 10 partners from 8 European countries. He has authored 135 scientific publications in highly impact journals, 4 book chapters & 1 book editor, 25 invited lectures at international conferences and 15 patents. Since 2016, he is invited Professor at the University Immersion Program of Sichuan University (Chengdu, China).
His research activities cover: (1) synthesis of macromolecular designs by controlled radical polymerizations (NMP, RAFT and ATRP) or "click" chemistry; (2) synthesis of organic colloids by radical polymerization in a dispersed medium; (3) surface chemistry and functionalization; (4) development of macromolecular systems: block/gradient copolymers, dynamic micelles, complex colloids, microgels, hybrids; (5) stimuli-triggered self-assembly in aqueous solution and self-assembly in bulk and thin film directed by the process for hierarchically structured materials; (6) multi-scale characterization: from the local scale (two-dimensional NMR and dipolar interaction, force spectroscopy) to the macroscopic scale (by rheology, surface energy, wettability and photonics). Through the mesoscopic scale (diffusion light, X and neutrons), and the (sub) micrometric scale (AFM/Electronic microscopy and ellipsometry) and (7) biomimicry and bio-inspired materials/processes.
Prof. Billon is the coordinator and principal investigator of a large series of national and international research projects such as the coordinator of the H2020 ITN EJD eSCALED Project (European SChool on Artificial Leaf: Electrodes & Devices) with 10 partners from 8 European countries. He has authored 135 scientific publications in highly impact journals, 4 book chapters & 1 book editor, 25 invited lectures at international conferences and 15 patents. Since 2016, he is invited Professor at the University Immersion Program of Sichuan University (Chengdu, China).
His research activities cover: (1) synthesis of macromolecular designs by controlled radical polymerizations (NMP, RAFT and ATRP) or "click" chemistry; (2) synthesis of organic colloids by radical polymerization in a dispersed medium; (3) surface chemistry and functionalization; (4) development of macromolecular systems: block/gradient copolymers, dynamic micelles, complex colloids, microgels, hybrids; (5) stimuli-triggered self-assembly in aqueous solution and self-assembly in bulk and thin film directed by the process for hierarchically structured materials; (6) multi-scale characterization: from the local scale (two-dimensional NMR and dipolar interaction, force spectroscopy) to the macroscopic scale (by rheology, surface energy, wettability and photonics). Through the mesoscopic scale (diffusion light, X and neutrons), and the (sub) micrometric scale (AFM/Electronic microscopy and ellipsometry) and (7) biomimicry and bio-inspired materials/processes.
Research Interests:
functional building blocks self-assembly, gels & microgels, valorization of bioresources, biomimicry & bio-inspired process/materials.