
The peroxidase toxicity assay for the rapid evaluation of municipal effluent quality

Figure 1. Principle of the Perotox assay. The Perotox enzyme assay is based on the production of oxygen radicals during the PER reaction of H2O2 and a reducing substrate. Both H2O2 and the oxidized products could, in turn, oxidize various proxy substrates in addition to luminol, such as an unsaturated lipid (Tween-80), protein (albumin), and DNA. The oxidation of unsaturated carbons of Tween-80 detergent leads to peroxidation (aldehyde formation), while interaction with DNA leads to DNA strand breaks. The addition of DNA during the PER reaction with H2O2 and lumino/fluorogenic substrate (luminol or dihydrofluorescein) could also protect PER against inhibition by the xenobiotics, the so-called DNA protection assay. Perotox: Peroxidase-toxicity; PER: peroxidase.

Water Emerging Contaminants & Nanoplastics
ISSN 2831-2597 (Online)


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