
Figure 6. Flexible PCCs based on polymer encapsulation. (A) Preparation, thermal storage capacity, thermal conductivity, mechanical properties, and battery thermal management applications of PW-OBC/EG composites. Reproduced with permission from ref[132]. Copyright 2020, Royal Society of Chemistry; (B) Preparation of PCCs flexible PCCs, thermal storage capacity, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, and cooling cell schematics. Reproduced with permission from ref[133]. Copyright 2021, Wiley-VCH; (C) Preparation of TIPCM composites, self-healing and shape memory capabilities, and schematic diagram of chip thermal management capabilities. Reproduced with permission from ref[134]. Copyright 2024, Elsevier. PCCs: Phase change composites; PW: paraffin wax; OBC: olefin block copolymer; EG: expanded graphite; TIPCM: thermal interfacial phase change material.