
Figure 3. Flexible EMI materials based on carbon nanomaterials. (A) Preparation, EMI performance, and mechanism of CCA@rGO/PDMS. Reproduced with permission from ref[98]. Copyright 2021, Springer Nature Link; (B) Preparation of GNP/PU nanocomposites and EMI mechanism. Reproduced with permission from ref[99]. Copyright 2022, Elsevier; (C) Preparation of QMCA-PDMS composites. Reproduced with permission from ref[103]. Copyright 2014, Royal Society of Chemistry; (D) Preparation, EMI shielding performance, and mechanism of CNTs/GTR composites. Reproduced with permission from ref[104]. Copyright 2017, Elsevier; (E) Preparation, EMI performance, and mechanism of SWCNTs/rGO-loaded polyester fabrics. Reproduced with permission from ref[109]. Copyright 2022, Springer Nature Link. EMI: Electromagnetic interference; CCA: cellulose graphene carbon aerogel; rGO: reduced graphene oxide; PDMS: polydimethylsiloxane; GNP: graphene nanoparticle; PU: polyurethane; QMCA: quantum-modified carbon aerogel; CNTs: carbon nanotubes; GTR: waste tire rubber; SWCNTs: single-walled CNTs.