
Figure 2. Flexible EMI materials based on Ag nanoparticles. (A) Preparation of CEF-NF/Ag/WPU thin films, digital photographs, and EMI mechanisms. Reproduced with permission from ref[87]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier; (B) Preparation, electrical and thermal properties, and EMI shielding mechanism of AgNWs/cellulose thin films. Reproduced with permission from ref[89]. Copyright 2020, American Chemical Society; (C) Preparation, mechanical properties, EMI shielding effect, and mechanism of AN@MX/TW. Reproduced with permission from ref[90]. Copyright 2022, American Chemical Society; (D) Preparation, mechanical properties, and EMI shielding mechanism of PVDF/MXene/AgNWs films. Reproduced with permission from ref[91]. Copyright 2021, Springer Nature Link. EMI: Electromagnetic interference; CEF-NF/Ag/WPU: flexible carbon fabric/Ag/waterborne polyurethane; AgNWs: silver nanowires; TW: transparent wood; PVDF: polyvinylidene difluoride.