
Figure 3. (A) Self-powered multifunction hand-shaped e-skin system(left) and A magnified and exploded view of a TE unit[84]. © Wiley 2020; (B) Schematic illustration, Digital photographs, and Voc response of the E-skin of E-skins for material recognition[85]. Copyright 2024 American Chemical Society; (C) Schematic illustration of STES in self-powered distributed mini-region sensing[87]. © Wiley 2023; (D) Photograph of the flexible thermopile array attached to a human hand, acting as a wearable e-skin to sense the radiation distribution emitted by a Peltier module; (E) Schematic for illustrating the structure of Te/CuTe multilayer-based thermopile with the asymmetric reflection structure; (F) Demonstration of radiation distribution sensing ability, by inserting the hollow masks with letters of “D”, “I”, “C”, and “P” between the Peltier module and the thermopile array (upper panel: heating mode; lower panel: cooling mode)[88]. © Wiley 2024. STES: Self-powered temperature electronic skin; f-TEG: flexible thermoelectric generators; PI: polyimide; PVDF: polyvinylidene fluoride; STES: self-powered temperature electronic skin.