
Highly sensitive and robust soft tri-axial tactile sensors enabled by dual inductive sensing mechanisms

Figure 8. Proof-of-concept demonstrations of the sensor. (A) Demonstration of real-time tactile sensing: Schematic illustrations depicting the primary sensing mode when a user is (i) sitting, (ii) standing, and (iii) walking. There are also normal loads in standing and walking scenarios, which are not shown for clarity purposes; (B) Measured 4-channel inductance changes of the DTTS during the above three activities, and the corresponding calculated normal and shear loads. ΔLi/ Li indicates the inductance change of each channel, i is from 1 to 4; (C) Demonstration of the stability of the sensor to environmental contaminants: (i) Illustrations of common environmental objects. (ii) Variations of sensing signals of the DTTS and a capacitive sensor when different environmental objects are in proximity. $$ \Delta \tilde{L} $$ is the inductance change of the inductive sensor and $$ \Delta \tilde{C} $$ is the capacitance change of the capacitive sensor when the sensors are exposed to different environmental objects. L0 is the inductance of the inductive sensor and C0 is the capacitance of the capacitive sensor when the sensors are free from any environmental interference. DTTS: Dual tri-axial tactile sensors; RGO: reciprocating gait orthosis.

Soft Science
ISSN 2769-5441 (Online)
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