
Figure 7. Film-bending-based non-locomotion bio-bots. (A) Schematic diagram of a cardiomyocytes-driven valved micropump. Reproduced with permission[85]. Copyright 2006, RSC; (B) Schematic diagram of the cardiomyocytes-driven valveless micropump. Reproduced with permission[86]. Copyright 2007, RSC; (C) A skeletal muscle-driven actuator. (i) Microscopic image of the microgrooved thin SBS film, causing the skeletal muscle fibers cultured on it to grow along the grooves; (ii) Optical image of the contraction of microgrooved SBS film powered by differentiated myotubes. Reproduced with permission[91]. Copyright 2019, ACS; (D) A cardiomyocytes-driven electric bio-generator. (i) Schematic overview of the cardiomyocytes-driven bio-generator; (ii) Open-circuit voltage signal achieved by the bio-generator. Reproduced with permission[92]. Copyright 2016, RSC; (E) A cardiomyocytes-driven bio-chip for biological research and drug screening. (i) Schematic of the construction of the bio-chip and the bent-up process driven by cardiomyocytes; (ii) Photograph of the bio-chip; (iii) Relationships of the average peak shift values (left) and the beating frequency (right) to the bio-chip with different concentrations of isoproterenol. Reproduced with permission[93]. Copyright 2018, American Association for the Advancement of Science.