
Figure 4. Strip-contraction-based walking bio-bots. (A) A biped bio-bot. (i) Design principle and schematic diagram of the biped bio-bot; (ii) Control of biped bio-bot locomotion by electrical stimulation in different directions. Reproduced with permission[63]. Copyright 2024, Mary Ann Liebert, Inc; (B) Remote light-controlled muscle-driven eBio-bot. (i) Design and movement of the single actuator eBio-bot; (ii) The structure composition of biped eBio-bot; (iii) Trajectory and time-lapse images of bidirectional-turning of eBiobot. Reproduced with permission[64]. Copyright 2023, The American Association for the Advancement of Science; (C) Light-controlled multi-legged bio-bots for (i) bi-directional and (ii) tri-directional walking. Reproduced with permission[65]. Copyright 2022, Wang et al.; (D) A bipedal bionic bio-bot with two legs. (i) Concept and optical image of the bipedal bionic bio-bot powered by cultured skeletal muscle tissue; (ii) Principle of movement of the bipedal bionic bio-bot; (iii) Lifting and stepping out distances of the bipedal robot during one cycle of locomotion. Reproduced with permission[66]. Copyright 2023, Elsevier.