
Figure 9. Flexible MO TFTs employing channel and electrode architecture for mechanical flexibility. (A) Transfer characteristics and optical images of conventional and metal mesh electrode and strip semiconductor a-IGZO TFTs after 5,000 bending cycles. Reproduced with permission[61]. Copyright 2017, Wiley-VCH; (B) Structures of BCE a-IGZO TFTs on flexible substrate with BCE and with BCE-SP, and of the etch-stopper a-IGZO TFTs with ES and ES-SP. The results of bending cycle for threshold voltage and drain current at VG = 10 V and VD = 20 V for the flexible IGZO TFTs employing SP with 4 μm unit width after 5,000 bending at a radius of 1 mm. Reproduced with permission[67]. Copyright 2017, Wiley-VCH; (C) Schematic of the flexible thin film transistor and electrode employing the hole structure. On current before and after bending. The results are compared according to the existence of holes, diameters, and percentages. Reproduced with permission[62]. Copyright 2017, American Chemical Society. MO: Metal oxide; TFTs: thin-film transistors; IGZO: indium gallium zinc oxide; BCE: back-channel-etched; SP: split active layers; ES: etch-stopper.