
Figure 8. Flexible MO junctionless TFTs. (A) Schematic of junctionless ITO TFTs with chitosan dielectric and EDL formation. Transfer characteristics of junctionless ITO TFTs with chitosan dielectric. Dependence of capacitance and conductivity on frequency for solution-processed chitosan dielectrics. Reproduced with permission[66]. Copyright 2021, Electrochemical Society; (B) Schematic of junctionless ITO TFTs employing dual gate on paper substrate. Transfer characteristics of junctionless ITO TFTs employing dual gate on paper substrates with VG3 ranging from 2 to -2 V. AND logic function of junctionless ITO TFTs employing dual gate. Reproduced with permission[194]. Copyright 2021, American Chemical Society; (C) Schematic of ITO junctionless TFTs on plastic substrates. Transfer characteristics of ITO junctionless TFTs before and after bending. Output characteristics of ITO junctionless TFTs on PI substrates. Reproduced with permission[198]. Copyright 2024, American Chemical Society. MO: Metal oxide; TFTs: thin-film transistors; ITO: indium-tin-oxide; EDL: electric double layer; PI: polyimide.