
Figure 5. (A) Schematic of DLP process and film formation (top) and photographs of integrated TFTs, I-V/C-F measurement of MIM structure, and ID-VG curves of IGZO TFTs (bottom). Reproduced with permission[72], Copyright 2014, American Chemical Society; (B) Photograph of TFTs on PC substrate and transfer curves of TFTs (top) and electrical characteristics of TFTs under different bending conditions or cycles (bottom). Reproduced with permission[82], Copyright 2014, Elsevier; (C) Leakage current density-electric field of AlOx and ZAO dielectric, OM image of ZAO-based TFTs on ITO/PI substrate and transfer curves of TFTs with ZAO dielectric before and after bending test. Reproduced with permission[141], Copyright 2013, The Royal Society of Chemistry; (D) Schematic of synaptic In2O3 TFTs, Capacitance as a function of frequency for polymer electrolyte and transfer curve of synaptic In2O3 TFTs on PI substrate at different bending radii. Reproduced with permission[147], Copyright 2020, American Chemical Society; (E) Photographs of integrated TFTs with bending test method and transfer curves of TFTs under different bending cycles. Reproduced with permission[149], Copyright 2019, American Chemical Society. DLP: Direct light pattern; TFTs: thin-film transistors; MIM: metal-insulator-metal; IGZO: indium gallium zinc oxide; PC: polycarbonate; ZAO: zirconium doped aluminum oxide; OM: optical microscopy; ITO: indium-tin-oxide; PI: polyimide.