
Figure 4. High-performance flexible MO TFTs with flexible semiconductors. (A) Schematic of combination IZO and CNT to fabricate IZO/CNT hybrid TFTs, the normalized resistance as a function of the folded times and the photograph that repeated bending performance of IZO/CNT hybrid TFTs. Reproduced with permission[128]. Copyright 2012, American Chemical Society; (B) Schematic of the printed InOx/EC TFT with top-gate structure, optical image of optimized InOx/EC TFTs on PI substrate, transfer characteristics of optimized InOx/EC TFTs with decreasing bending radius and Change of linear mobility of optimized InOx/EC TFTs under bending tests. Reproduced with permission[129]. Copyright 2023, Wiley-VCH; (C) Schematic of IGZO:PI phototransistor fabricated on PI substrate and Transfer characteristics before and after 10,000 bending tests under dark conditions and green light at 1 mW/mm2 intensity. The inset shows the photograph of the bent IGZO:PI phototransistor. Reproduced with permission[130]. Copyright 2022, American Chemical Society; (D) Schematic of IGZO:PETE TFTs on SiO2, transfer curve of the IGZO:20 W PTFE TFT in 10,000 bending cycles with bending radius of 5 mm, and photograph of IGZO:PTFE on PI substrate. Reproduced with permission[131]. Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society; (E) Schematic of device structure, transfer characteristics, and variations in electrical parameters after repeated bending 200,000 cycles of InOx:indicone hybrid layers TFTs. Reproduced with permission[132]. Copyright 2021, Royal Society of Chemistry. MO: Metal oxide; TFTs: thin-film transistors; IZO: indium zinc oxide; CNT: carbon nanotube; EC: ethyl cellulose; PI: polyimide; IGZO: indium gallium zinc oxide; PTFE: polytetrafluoroethylene.