
Figure 11. Flexible circuit employing flexible MO TFTs. (A) optical image of solution-processed IGZO TFTs employing island structure on a PI substrate. Oscillation frequency of flexible solution-processed IGZO TFTs ring oscillator as a function of supply voltage. Reproduced with permission[33]. Copyright 2020, Wiley-VCH; (B) The microarchitecture of UB-FVC inference stage. Microimage of the natively flexible processing engine implementing UB-FVC microarchitecture. Reproduced with permission[37]. Copyright 2020, Springer Nature; (C) The die layout of PlasticARM, denoting the key blocks in white boxes. The die micro image of PlasticARM, showing the dimensions of the die and core areas. Reproduced with permission[36]. Copyright 2020, Springer Nature; (D) Photo image of a quarter of a GEN1 (350 mm × 320 mm) plastic substrate and flexible touchscreen tag connected to a flexible battery on an iPhone Reproduced with permission[35]. Copyright 2020, Springer Nature. MO: Metal oxide; TFTs: thin-film transistors; IGZO: indium gallium zinc oxide; PI: polyimide; UB-FVC: univariate Bayes feature voting classifier.