
Towards the optimal design of optically clear adhesives for flexible display

Figure 8. (A) The representative starting materials for preparing bio-based acrylate monomers. All starting materials can be obtained from plants or trees; (B) The photocatalyst (blue) and co-initiators (green) for visible-light-driven polymerization. Using the photocatalyst and co-initiators, the PIS mechanisms were proposed[27]. Reproduced with permission. Copyright © 2024 Springer Nature; (C) The concept and preparation method for debondable adhesives. The UV is a stimulus for adhesion control[190]. The mechanism of adhesion control was proved through MD simulation. Reproduced with permission. Copyright © 2024 Wiley‐VCH GmbH; (D) Thermo-switchable adhesion is achieved by controlling the number of hydrogen bonding sites[196]. Reproduced with permission. Copyright © 2024 Royal Society of Chemistry. PIS: Photoinitiating system; UV: ultraviolet.

Soft Science
ISSN 2769-5441 (Online)
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