
Recent advances in laser-induced-graphene-based soft skin electronics for intelligent healthcare

Figure 11. LIG-based biochemical skin electronics with multiple sensing modes for intelligent healthcare. (A) Layered view of the sensor structure; (B) Schematic illustrating various functions of the integrated sensors, including sweat UA and Tyr monitoring, sweat rate evaluation, skin temperature perception and vital-sign (for instance, heart rate and respiration rate) detection; (C) Optical photographs of a healthy subject wearing the sensing system at different body positions; (D) Real-time measurement results of multiple physiological signals from a healthy subject during a control exercise process. Reproduced with permission[42]. Copyright 2022, Springer Nature; (E) Schematic of a wearable multimodal sensing system with double-sided modules; (F) Schematic of the functions of the wearable system for human sports monitoring; (G) Indicators (including skin temperature, sweat metabolites, and ECG) of a volunteer recorded by the wearable system under different body status. Reproduced with permission[107]. Copyright 2022, American Chemical Society. LIG: Laser-induced-graphene; UA: uric acid; Tyr: tyrosine; ECG: electrocardiography.

Soft Science
ISSN 2769-5441 (Online)
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