
Figure 9. Healthcare monitoring wearable devices with various bio-signals. (A) Image of a skin-conformable PPG sensor and its heart rate monitoring. Reproduced with permission from ref[89]. Copyright 2021, Elsevier; (B) Sweat sensor system for monitoring ions (left) and real-time monitoring results of K+ and Na+ in the perspiration (right). Reproduced with permission from ref[95]. Copyright 2020, Elsevier; (C) Photograph of the Ag-DS/CF sensor under finger bending strain; (D) Resistance changes of Ag-DS/CF in bending and releasing cycles. Reproduced with permission from ref[102]. Copyright 2018, Springer Nature; (E) Optical image of theranostic smart contact lenses (scale bar, 5.5 mm); (F) I-t curve of the flexible DDS with different three drug containers. (G) IOP monitoring with timolol release from Day 1 to Day 5. Reproduced with permission from ref[108]. Copyright 2022, Springer Nature; (H) Photograph of the wireless saliva sensor; (I and J) Various solution responsivity of wireless saliva sensor. Reproduced with permission from ref[109]. Copyright 2018, John Wiley and Sons; (K) Schematic illustration of a skin-attachable, stretchable TSFET device with a suspended gate and thermochromic display; (L) Absorbance spectra of the thermochromic leuco dye film at 25 and 45 °C. Reproduced with permission from ref[111]. Copyright 2018, Elsevier; (M) Motion detecting characteristics of the ADAM device on the dorsal hand, compared to conventional devices. Reproduced with permission from ref[112]. Copyright 2022, AAAS. PPG: Photoplethysmogram; Ag-DS/CF: