
Body-attachable multifunctional electronic skins for bio-signal monitoring and therapeutic applications

Figure 7. TENG module for e-skin systems. (A) Four TENG modes: vertical contact-separation mode, lateral sliding mode, single-electrode mode, freestanding triboelectric-layer mode. Reproduced with permission from ref[68]. Copyright 2021, Elsevier; Schematic illustration of (B) the TENG and (C) the EMG operating mechanism; (D) Voc, and Isc graph of the HNGM integrated with TENG and EMG. Reproduced with permission from ref[70]. Copyright 2022, John Wiley and Sons; (E) Schematic illustration of the polymeric membrane-based energy harvester; (F) Graph of output power against external load resistance at 5 Hz. Reproduced with permission from ref[71]. Copyright 2022, Springer Nature; (G) Schematic illustration of A-PGSS with TENG and f-SC; (H) Operation principle of the A-PGSS; (I) Scheme of the all-in-one PGSS with low-power conventional LP-SCC, LP-MCU, and BLE. Reproduced with permission from ref[72]. Copyright 2023, Elsevier. TENG: Triboelectric nanogenerator; EMG: electromagnetic generator; HNGM: hybrid nanogenerator module; A-PGSS: all-in-one power-generating and sensing system; PGSS: power-generating and sensing system; f-SC: flexible solar cell; LP-SCC: low-power conventional signal conditioning circuit; LP-MCU: low-power microcontroller unit; BLE: Bluetooth low energy.

Soft Science
ISSN 2769-5441 (Online)
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