
Figure 4. TFT array fabrication process with organic/inorganic materials. (A) Comparison between the typical structures of a MOSFET and a TFT; (B) Output curves of an n-type oxide TFT. Reproduced with permission from ref[44]. Copyright 2012, John Wiley and Sons; (C) Photograph (left) and optical microscopic images (right) of transparent and flexible NL-FET arrays; (D) The switching operation and (E) voltage gain characteristics of the NL-FET array under pristine and bending (r = 2.5 mm) conditions. Reproduced with permission from ref[46]. Copyright 2020, American Chemical Society; (F) Photograph and pressure mapping image using CNT-based TFT array. Reproduced with permission from ref[47]. Copyright 2018, American Chemical Society; (G) Cross-sectional illustrations of the pressure (left) and thermal (right) sensor cells using organic transistors; (H) Pressure and (I) temperature mapping images using an organic transistor-based sensor array. Reproduced with permission from ref[48]. Copyright 2015, PNAS; (J) Schematic illustration of a transparent oxide TFT array fabricated by the LLO process; (K) The stable operation of skin-like oxide TFTs under negative bias temperature stress (left) and positive bias temperature stress (right). Reproduced with permission from ref[50]. Copyright 2016, John Wiley and Sons. MOSFET: Metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistor; TFT: thin-film transistor; NL-FET: nanoline-based field effect transistor; CNT: carbon nanotube; LLO: laser lift-off.