
Figure 3. Dissolution mechanisms and behaviors of biodegradable metals. (A) Biodegradable metals (M) degrade via electrochemical reactions to produce oxides and hydroxides; (B) Dissolution chemistry of each biodegradable metal; (C) Dissolution rates of the Mg-3Zn alloy thin film during immersion in PBS (pH 7.4 at 37 °C). Reproduced with permission[68], Copyright 2023, The Authors; (D) Tuning the dissolution rate of Mg-3Zn alloy thin film under different deposition powers. Reproduced with permission[68], Copyright 2023, The Authors; (E) Application of the wireless power system utilizing resistor made from Mg-3Zn thin film. Reproduced with permission[68], Copyright 2023, The Authors; (F) 3D rendered CT scans of rats obtained seven weeks post-implantation of cardiac pacemakers. Reproduced with permission[13], Copyright 2021, Springer Nature; (G) Comparison of blood analysis results of Mo wire implanted rats after 3, 6, or 12 months with control groups, representing the number of RBC, WBC, and PLT, *P < 0.05. Reproduced with permission[69], Copyright 2021, Materials; (H) Comparison of Mo concentrations in the aorta, kidneys, and liver tissues derived from ICP-OES analysis with age-matched control groups. Reproduced with permission[69], Copyright 2021, Materials. CT: Computed tomography; RBC: red blood cells; WBC: white blood cells; PLT: platelets.