
Figure 12. (A) Schematic diagram of (i) composition of the monolithcic integrated sensing system based on CECT/PAM hydrogels, (ii) the signal processing circuit, (iii) array of pressure sensors under four-finger contact and the corresponding signaling diagram, (iv) wearability of the e-skin system and the signaling diagram[199]; (B) Schematic diagram of (i) process from sensing to signal processing, (ii) gesture recognition system and its recognition results[13]; (C) Schematic diagram of (i) composition of NWF/AgNWs-MXene/PBSE multi-sensor system, (ii) structure of ResNet18 signal classification neural network, and (iii) various grasping actions and their classification results[200]. MCU: Micro-Controller Unit; CECT: carboxyethyl chitin; PAM: polyacrylamide; NWF: nonwoven fabrics; AgNWs: silver nanowires; PBSE: polyborosiloxane elastomer.