
Figure 1. Fully soft Schottky diodes enabled by simple fabrication and soft components. (A) An optical image of a 5 × 5 fully soft Schottky diodes array (Inset: an exploded schematic illustration of the Schottky diode); (B) Optical images of the diodes array under various mechanical deformation of stretching (top), and poking (bottom); (C) Schematic fabrication process of the fully soft Schottky diode configured in the diodes array; (D) Contact angle-tergitol weight ratio curves of PEDOT:PSS solution (PEDOT:PSS:tergitol, 100:x, w/w) on SEBS substrate; (E) Normalized resistance (R/R0)-strain curves of PEDOT:PSS electrodes under different PEG weight ratio (PEDOT:PSS:Tergitol:PEG = 100:1:y, w/w) (Inset: overall R/R0-strain curve); (F) Microscopic images of PEDOT:PSS in the absence of PEG (PEDOT:PSS:Tergitol = 100:1, w/w) (top), and the presence of PEG (PEDOT:PSS:Tergitol:PEG = 100:1:8, w/w) (bottom) under the mechanical strain of 30%. EGaIn: Gallium-indium eutectic; P3HT-NFs: poly(3-hexylthiophene) nanofibrils; PDMS: polydimethylsiloxane; PEDOT:PSS: poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) polystyrene sulfonate; UV-O3: ultraviolet-ozone; SEBS: styrene-ethylene-butylene-styrene; PEG: polyethylene glycol.