
Soft robots built for extreme environments

Figure 9. Diameter comparison of search and rescue and pipe inspection soft robots for confined space applications (Worm robot, 50 mm). Soft robots composed of different pneumatic actuators to allow for elongation, radial expansion, and bending to mimic the motion of a worm. The robot can be used for pipe inspection[208] (Octopus robot, 70 mm). A soft tendon-driven robot that is octopus-inspired and includes suction cups that can be used to travel through pipes[216] (Pipe robot, 84-115 mm). Soft robotic pneumatic pipe robot which can perform different motions by different inflation patterns[209]. (Vine robot, 200 mm) Soft pneumatic vine robot capable of tip extension and steering[207]. (All images are licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Soft Science
ISSN 2769-5441 (Online)
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