
Figure 4. Morphing matter based on discrete elements assembly. (A) Tessellating free-form surfaces into interlocking blocks. (i) Schematic of a tessellation strategy; (ii) Demonstrations of the tessellation algorithms with various surfaces; (iii) Manually assembling process. Reproduced with permission from[117]; Copyright 2019, Association for Computing Machinery; (B) Actuating discrete blocks with tension force. (i) Schematic of assembling the blocks with pre-stretched membranes; (ii) Demonstrations with various surfaces from flat state to curved state. Reproduced with permission from[31]; Copyright 2017, Association for Computing Machinery; (C) Shape morphing structures based on discrete particles under vacuum pressure. (i) Illustration of design and actuation process under vacuum pressure; (ii) Demonstrations with positive and negative Gaussian curvatures; (iii) Stiffness tuning ability under confining pressure. Reproduced with permission from[118]; Copyright 2023, Wiley-VCH; (D) Hierarchical tessellation strategy and demonstrations with varying curvature surfaces and asymmetric surfaces (from top to bottom: gourd shape, vase shape, and mushroom chair shape)[120]; (E) Grains on an elastic sheet. The sheet first conforms to individual grains, and then wrinkles will occur to the sheet as the granular grains rearrange and get jammed under confinement. Reproduced with permission from[121]; Copyright 2023, Cell Press; (F) Chainmail structure consisting of topologically interlocked particles undergoes reconfigurations and shows high mechanical rigidity under vacuum pressure. Reproduced with permission from[122]; Copyright 2021, Macmillan Publishers Limited.