
Figure 7. LM material for EMG information detection. (A) Photograph of a flexible EMG sensor manufactured on the basis of PaLMPs[202]; (B) EMG signal on the arm detected using the EMG sensor[202]; (C) Detection of EMG signals in the thighs of mice using sensor prepared from CMP vs. those prepared from common nano-LMs[186]; (D) The applied voltage is proportional to the EMG signal, indicating that the sensor has good contact with the skin[186]; (E) Schematic diagram of the three-layer structure of the implantable electrode[180]; (F) Impedance value of electrode related to frequency[180]. CMP: Liquid-metal particles; EGaIn: eutectic gallium-indium alloy; EMG: electromyographic; LM: liquid metal; PaLMPs: polyelectrolyte-attached LM microgranular-particles.