Figure 2. (A) Schematic of the preparation of the conductive LME composite; (B) Schematic of magnetic aggregation for connection of the LM ferrofluid particles; (C) The photograph of the LM ferrofluid; (D) The contact angle and surface tension when the Cu@Fe particles are at mass ratios of 0% and 40%; (E) The photograph of the conductive LME composite with a Janus structure; (F) The elongated state of the LME composite; (G) SEM image of the cross-section of the LME composite, the density of LM ferrofluid droplets is increased from top to bottom due to the applied magnetic field; (H) 3D micro-CT image of the LME composite. The red particles represent high-density LM ferrofluid particles, and the white particles represent low-density Ecoflex; (I) Cross-section SEM images of the LME conductive composite; (J) Element mappings of LME composite surface. LM: Liquid metal; LME: LM-elastomer; SEM: scanning electron microscopy.