
Figure 16. (A) Schematic illustration of SCMN on a human arm, and an expanded network (expansion: 200%) on a human abdomen (right); tree branch-like neuron connections (left bottom); and sensory receptors of the glabrous skin (left top); (B) exploded-view schematic of an SCMN with eight functions (temp.: temperature); (C) temperature sensing; (D) in-plane strain sensing; (E) humidity sensing; (F) light sensing; (G) magnetic sensing responses; and (H) pressure mapping before and after 300% expansion of an SCMN placed as an artificial skin on a hand[129]. GF: Gauge factor; GMR: high magneto-resistive; PDMS: polydimethylsiloxane; PI: polyimide; PVA: poly(vinyl alcohol); SCMN: stretchable and conformable matrix network; TCR: temperature coefficient of resistance.