Figure 4. Acute ECoG recording and histological analysis. (A) Scheme of rodent VEP activation test (photograph of ICH-based ECoG array on rodent cerebral cortex, inset photo); (B) Representative baseline ECoG and VEP signals recorded by 4-channel ICH electrodes; (C) A representative VEP recorded from a channel number 4 located close to the right occipital lobe; (D) Mean VEP plot recorded by a channel number 4. Multiple VEP activation results were accumulated from 120 trials of light stimuli; (E-F) H&E staining (middle) and MT staining (right) of rodent at 4 weeks of sham (E) and after ICH implantation (F). (E, left) Representative sham rodent brain slide. (F, left) Representative ICH-implanted rodent brain slice with pseudo implant site (dotted). M: meninges; CC: cerebral cortex. ECoG: electrocorticogram; ICH: injectable conductive hydrogel; VEP: visual-related event potential.